Edwin Tracey DeLand, Brother of Henry A. DeLand

Edwin Tracy DeLand (Brother of Henry A. DeLand)

Edwin was the 1st son of 4 and the 1st of 7 children born to Levi DeLand and Electa Tracy, his 2nd wife. (Levi had lost his previous wife Hannah Brown by whom he had 6 children; Edwin was the 7th child of 13 total born to Levi. Levi and both wives were natives of New York)

The DeLands lived primarily in Edwin's early years in Tioga County, New York. By 1850 they were in Perinton.

Edwin was a teacher and merchant in Perinton at that time, and (perhaps due to his occupations which afforded the opportunity to meet large numbers of people) in subsequent years made the acquaintance of a neighbor, Susan Bentley of Rhode Island, a daughter of Caleb & Susan (Tennant) Bentley (also both of Rhode Island). The Bentley's had removed to Perinton, New York around 1850, and lived close by the DeLands.

Susan and Edwin were married May 20th of 1854 in Wyoming, New York.

They removed shortly thereafter to Grass Lake Twp. in Jackson County, Michigan where they took up farming and the starting up of a new family of DeLands.

They had three children:

1. Fremont, b. 1855; d. 1855 (infant)

2. Alida Electa, b. 1859

3. Kate Isabelle, b. 1863; d. 1863 (infant)

Edwin died in August of 1863 at age 36, and his last daughter Kate died at 6 months old a month after that.

His bereaved widow Susan provided a gravestone enshrining her love for her husband, inscribed at the beginning with "My Husband"...

The young widow DeLand perhaps wanted to flee the area that would remind her of her horrible loss, and in any event was probably not able to run the farm herself. Susan took her surviving child Alida (then 4 years old) and made the move north to Waterford Twp, in Oakland County to live at first with her sister Harriet.

By March of 1868 Susan had met and married Phineas Huntoon, providing her young daughter Alida with what was a stable home life.

Edwin's daughter Alida eventually became at age 14 a 3rd-grade teacher in Waterford. She later met and married (1880) the then Supt. of Waterford Twp. schools (and future lawyer, Oakland County prosecutor, Michigan state senator, and 9-term US Congressman) Samuel William Smith. She also became (1902-03) the 1st president of the first hospital in Oakland County (which became Pontiac General/NOMC/Doctor's Hospital).

Edwin is mentioned in Frederick DeLand Leete's "The DeLand Family in America. A Biographical Genealogy" as well as "Tracey genealogy; being some of the descendants of Stephen Tracy, of Plymouth Colony, 1623" by Sherman Weld Tracy.


My Husband



Aug. 24, 1863


36 YRS, 10MO, 11DS.


To this ?? place thou lone heart will oft repair

To mourn in silence ?? love and tender care

Taken from findagrave.com


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